Antarctica just had a record heat wave with temperatures soaring up to 90 degrees above normal
California will spend $3 billion over the next few years to prep its grid for renewables
The latest scheme to suck CO2 from the air is to capture it in superheated rocks
China is spending billions to expand solar manufacturing capacity -- can the U.S. catch up?
Shell's directors are getting sued for failing to shift the oil giant to renewables fast enough
Hitch a ride to Rockaway Beach's net-zero community (it's a model for new green development)
Meet what may be the world's actively green search engine
US will make companies disclose their emissions and climate risks in reports to investors
Tender is a plant-based protein startup trying to make whole-cut meats (Natalie Portman's a fan)
Prime minister invokes emergency powers for the first time after Australian floods
Germany plans to be running on 100% renewables by 2035
World leaders are drafting a plan to deal with the world's plastic pollution problem